作者:宝可梦小公子 | 分类: | 字数:27.4万
第86章 猫和人类的互动很重要
Your Cat Might Not Be Ignoring You When You Speak
By Anthony Ham
A study by French researchers that was published last month in the journal Animal Cognition found that not only do cats react to what scientists call cat-directed speech— a high-pitched voice similar to how we talk to babies— they react to who is doing the talking.
Unlike with dogs, cat behavior is difficult to study, which is part of why humans understand them less. Cats are often so stressed by being in a lab that meaningful behavioral observations bee impossible.
So the researchers for the latest study went to the cats' homes and played recordings of different types of speech and different speakers.
The findings showed that“cats are paying close attention to their caretakers, down to not only what they are saying, but how they are saying it,“ said Kristyn Vitale, an assistant professor of animal health and behavior at Unity College in Maine who was not involved in the new study.
缅因州联合学院动物健康及行为研究助理教授克里斯汀·维塔莱(Kristyn Vitale)尽管没有参与这项新研究,但她也指出,上述研究的结果表明,“猫会密切关注它们的饲养者,不仅会关注对方说话的内容,还会关注对方说话的方式。”
The new study plements Dr. Vitale's own research into relationships between a cat and its owner. This relationship is so important, Dr. Vitale's research has found, that it replicates the connection between a kitten and its mother.“It is possible that attachment behaviors originally intended for interactions with their mother have now been modified for interactions with their new caretakers, humans.“
Now, those who are convinced of the perfidy of cats won't like the answers that are emerging.
Cats don't hate us after all, Dr. Vitale said, adding that“a growing body of work supports the idea that social interaction with humans is key in the life of a cat.“